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New Milton Infant School
Together, we make a difference
At New Milton Infant School we believe that children learn best when they are absorbed, interested and active. Our EYFS curriculum has an underlying ethos of learning through play and hands on, practical experiences. Our indoor and outdoor environments are newly refurbished. They are carefully planned to enable children to follow their own interests and fascinations and lead their learning whilst being supported by adults who know them well. We call this time ‘Let’s Learn’.
During ‘Let’s Learn’, children are skilfully supported by adults to take on new challenges, extend their ideas and consolidate their learning. Adults join the children as partners in their play, modelling language and building confidence so that children can flourish. Positive and supportive relationships between staff, children and their families are at the heart of our Foundation Stage practice. We recognise that these strong relationships provide the foundation for learning and enable children to feel safe and secure and reach their full potential.
Children in Year R are able to move freely between indoors and outside on a daily basis and in most weathers. Resources are provided to enable open ended play, so learning is not limited, and natural resources are used whenever possible. We encourage the children to be independent and gather their own resources and plan how they want to use them. These approaches enable children to develop independence, perseverance, confidence and respect for others and the world around them.
Teaching in Year R is predominantly delivered through joining children in their play and enhancing play with new ideas and resources. Directed teaching is also delivered to the whole class, small groups or individual children when appropriate. We have daily whole class carpet sessions for phonics, story time, maths and circle time.
The Statutory Framework for EYFS
The Foundation Stage begins when children enter pre-school provision. This includes Child-minders, Nursery, Pre-school and Playgroups. The last year of the Foundation Stage is often referred to as the Reception year, or Year R. The Foundation Stage curriculum consists of seven learning areas:
Prime Areas
1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development
2. Physical Development
3. Communication and Language
Specific Areas
4. Literacy
5. Mathematics
6. Understanding the World
7. Expressive Arts and Design
All seven areas of learning are equally important and inter-connected. In the Summer term of the Reception year, children are assessed against 17 Early Learning Goals. These assessments provide parents and careers with a well-rounded picture of a child’s knowledge, understanding and abilities. These assessments are also shared with Year 1 teachers which supports a smooth and successful transition into Year 1.