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New Milton Infant School

Together, we make a difference

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Our school uniform is:

~  plain grey trousers or shorts: skirts or pinafores.

~ white polo shirt, shirt or blouse

~ summer dresses in green and white check or stripe

~ bottle green school sweatshirt/cardigan (with or without the school logo)*

~ grey or white socks/tights 

~ black sensible low-heeled shoes NOT trainers or boots

~ hair tied back with green, black or brown accessories

* School sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo on can be purchased from PMG clothing - see below)



~ plain white T-shirt

~ navy or black shorts

~ plain suitable trainers (elasticated or velcro preferably)

~ black or navy tracksuit bottoms or leggings (in winter)

~ normal school jumper

~ drawstring bag to keep PE kit in (named)


ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING SHOULD BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE CHILDS NAME, to reduced the likelihood of losing items of clothing.  You can label the uniform with anything (labels, pens etc) to make sure it is identifiable as your child's, so that if found it can easily be returned.


The Friends of New Milton Infant School have found a supplier of labels (stickers, stamps, iron-on and more) that will donate 25% of the order value to the Friends of New Milton Infant School (charity number 1105619)!  All money raised will go directly towards paying for things like school trips, books, resources, equipment and experiences for the children.

Please use the link below if you are interested in purchasing uniform labels to guarantee the 25% donation:


Most of our uniform items can be purchased from any high street shop or supermarket, however items displaying the school logo (sweatshirt, cardigan, polo shirt, jacket, bookbag, PE bag) are only available from the school uniform shop, PMG Schoolwear, in Station Road, New Milton, or online at  Bookbags and PE bags with the school logo are also available from the Schoolwear shop.


