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New Milton Infant School
Together, we make a difference
At New Milton Infant School Science is taught as part of a broad, balanced and aspirational curriculum. Our aim is to provide a Science curriculum that engages and inspires children to explore the world around them. Through exciting, stimulating and challenging practical experiences we aim to spark their curiosity and inspire them to want to find out more. Embedded within our curriculum is the belief that curiosity has led to great advances in science and that it is also the key to developing an excitement and passion for learning to achieve future success. Children are encouraged to question, investigate and explore the world around them, welcoming challenge and viewing mistakes as positive learning opportunities. We believe that these opportunities will ensure that our children are confident, life-long learner who will develop an appreciation of the beauty and wonder of science and have a deeper understanding of the world we live in.
Key Stage 1 Science teaching is taught during high quality sessions once a week. Science is planned by the subject leader and taught and assessed by class teachers. Cross curricular links are made, where appropriate, to enhance learning. Each year group also partakes in a Longitudinal study which spans the entire academic year and is referred back to at regular intervals. Science takes place outdoors as much as possible so that children have first-hand experience of the environment they are learning about.
Children are encouraged to generate their own questions and taught that this is the first step towards all great scientific discoveries. Throughout all lessons questioning is an important tool to establish understanding and encourage deeper thinking.
Teaching and learning in science with a ‘hands-on’ approach leads to children being engaged learners who can operate as scientists which allows children to think about concepts in depth with revisiting which builds on prior learning gained throughout Key Stage 1. It prepares and lays the foundations for children’s scientific learning in Key Stage 2 and beyond. We want to support our children to develop lively, enquiring minds, excellent thinking skills and an excitement for learning.
Children will have a detailed knowledge of science and become confident to use scientific vocabulary and apply concepts they have learnt. Throughout their science education the children are exposed to memorable experiences which will foster critical and creative thinking to prepare them for a rapidly changing future.
All children access the science curriculum equally and are provided with opportunities for hands on experiences. Pupil’s reactions and ideas can be scribed by the teacher or recorded on Dojo to ensure that the writing process does not stifle scientific curiosity or restrict children’s ability to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of concepts. This allows children with SEND and EAL to have equal access to the Science curriculum. Rigorous ongoing formative assessment helps build on children’s prior knowledge. Misconceptions are identified and addressed swiftly to help all children make progress.