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Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

Children's Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing


Your child's happiness is of paramount importance to us so the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children is an absolute key focus for all staff at New Milton Infant School. In order for our children to become successful and engaged learners they need to feel safe, happy, have self-belief and confidence to take on all new experiences and challenges.


Promoting positive mental health happens every single day through our interactions with the children, being the best of role models and through a tailored curriculum that matches children's needs including our Jigsaw PSHE provision.


In our school we teach the children that there are a whole range of emotions they might feel and that it is absolutely okay to have these emotions. Using the Zones of Regulation, we teach them how and why they might feel like this and how they can begin to self-regulate their emotions.






Children's Mental Health Week 2024

'My Voice Matters


We always take part in Children's Mental Health Weeks and this year's theme is 'My Voice Matters. We talked to children and their families in class assemblies about empowering children to by giving them strategies to express how they are feeling. We want children to say and believe 'My Voice Matters'. We shared the story of Ruby's Worry and discussed some things that can worry us and what we can do with our worries.



What should I do if I am worried about my child’s mental health?


We always encourage parents and carers to come and talk to us with any concerns about your child's mental health or wellbeing as soon as possible. Please speak to your child's class teacher in the first instance or our Family Support Worker, Rachel Baker. There are many ways in which we can support your child. We have excellent Emotional  Literacy Support (ELSA) provision in school which makes an enormous difference to children socially, emotionally and academically too. We also have a trained TALA practitioner (Therapeutic Active Listening Assistant).


As a parent/carer, I am struggling with my own Mental Health. Is there support I can access?


Your wellbeing and is also so important to us, The Anna Freud Centre has a wealth of information for supporting the well-being of children, families and parents. The website is easy to access and has some really useful tips. The link below takes you to advice to help with your own self-care:


Many of you will already know our Family Support Worker, Rachel Baker. She is always available to support you with any challenges or difficulties you may be facing. If you have not yet met Mrs Baker, click on the link below to find out more.



Are there resources I can access to support positive parenting at home?


Hampshire’s Primary Behaviour Service have put together some easily accessible advice to parents covering a range of topics and questions from sleep to positive parenting routines and beyond. These are really useful guides with hints and tips, particularly during these uncertain times.  Mrs. Baker, our Family Support Worker, will happily guide you through any of the aspects that you feel will benefit you and your child.  Please follow the link to the Primary Behaviour Service Website on:

Can you recommend any online resources to support my child?


The apps on the link below have been recommended by the Department of Education as useful resources to support children's emotional health and well-being.


Cbeebies have produced 7 practical suggestions of things you can do to support your child's mental health. 


Are there any books I can read with my child to explore their feelings?

The NSPCC has produced a list of books for children to help them process worry and anxiety. Click on the link below to access the titles.


The link below takes you to an online story exploring how children might be feeling during Lockdown. It is a useful starting point for talking about feelings at home.

'The Colour Monster' encourages children to open up and talk about their feelings even when they might be confusing .

'The Huge Bag of Worries' is a reassuring picture book which encourages children to open up about their feelings.  It is a great book to soothe worries during stressful times..

The link below has many books for you to read together.  They cover topics such as trying new things, facing new experiences, the power of self-belief, resilience and teamwork.

