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New Milton Infant School

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Play Buddies

At New Milton Infant School we have a playground buddy scheme to help develop social skills at playtime and lunchtime. We encourage the children to develop positive relationships and ensuring no children are lonely. Children across all classes have applied for these important roles and they work alongside the staff team to ensure play and lunch are exciting times. The children are very excited about these new roles.


We are delighted to say that the new playground equipment the School Council ordered has now arrived!  A big THANK YOU to Friends of NMIS for donating £1000 for new equipment and a shed to store it all in.


Our Play Buddies attended training with our PSHE and PE leaders and learned about their new role and responsibilities, which include:

  • Looking after children at playtimes and lunchtime who are in need of support
  • Helping children find an adult if adult support is required.
  • Being responsible for one of the new playground zones and ensuring that the equipment in that zone is being played with sensibly.
  • Helping to tidy up at the end of playtime and lunchtime and making sure that the correct equipment goes back in the correct box.
  • Being an excellent role-model to others. Each buddy will have one playground duty per week in which they will be responsible for looking after one of the new playground zones. Each zone now has exciting new toys and equipment for the whole school to enjoy.